Scalable Media Distribution
Lividi offers the future solutions for media distribution on the Internet. The key component of Lividi ́s product portfolio is the Lividi Adaptive Media Router (AMR) that distributes live media in the most cost efficient manner, enabling optimized user experience in all types of networks and for all types of terminals. The Lividi AMR is the foundation for all specific application services utilizing our distribution platform.
Efficient media delivery
The Lividi AMR solution provides considerable cost savings and robust media delivery by routing live media in a distributed and flexible manner. Transport of media in a decentralized fashion minimizes both the amount of network resources consumed and the media delivery delay.
The Lividi AMR solution is highly efficient for distributing non-scalable streams, such as H.264/AVC, WebM and Theora, and is the ideal solution for scalable streams, such as H.264/SVC.
Delivers any kind of live media data
Lividi's decentralized solution is designed for streaming any kind of media data with very low latency for one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many applications. Media types include high bandwidth video, audio, camera control (pan, zoom, tilt) and other types of sensor or computer generated data.